Circo Frico

Circo Frico was founded in Bibione (Italy) in august 2014 during a volunteering experience with disabled people in a project of asociation “Dinsi une man”. There was performed the first version of (that time short performance) Bibi2. But Klára and Mattia they met first time in Mardin (Turkey) participating international social circus project I’m Festival.

After that Klára started to teach Mattia, who was mainly juggler, bases of partner acrobatics. Their way kept going ahead together, they are improving the technic of hand to hand and getting new experiences thanks to their travels all around the Europe. One of the important stay was the visit of Cirk de Votanik in Athens (Greece) and then acrobatic workshops in circus school Regolio Rivel in Barcelona (Spain) and acrobatic meetings in La Central de Circ in Barcelona.

Just after they are starting to perform in the festival in Czech republic – Za dveřmi, Letní Letná, Regiony Hradec Králové, Cirk uff, Praha žije hudbou, Živá ulice in Pilsen, Lidé městu, město lidem in České Budějovice and abroad (New Zealand – Luminate festival and Fringe festival 2015, Italy – Brocante, Festival Internazionale di Artisti di Strada, festival Terminal).

Their first big project Bibi2 directed by Davide Perissutti from Circo all’in Circa was premiered in festival Cirk uff 2018 in Trutnov.

They cooperated on projects with Circus Mlejn, Lenka Švolíková – Thumbleweeds, Cie Pie Perche, Bratři v tricku, Holektiv, Cink cink cirk and Koťátko zkázy.

Together the perform also in National Theatre in Prague in Opera The Bartered Bride.

Klára Hajdinová

Klára studied Theatre School in Prague and she has been working as professional circus artists and performer of physical theatre since 2012. She is focusing into disciplines of aerial acrobatics (aerial silk, hoop, harness) and hand to hand. Klára perfomed in many of theatre performances as an actress, acrobat or both (National theatre, New theatre in Pilsen, Revolving auditory in Český Krumlov, Rockopera,..). She improves her skills attending local and international workshops. As a lector teaches in CIrqueon and Circus Mlejn. As attendee she participated in workshop of Family circus by Rika Taeymans, the author of the book Matějova akrobacie.

Attended workshops:
Circ de Votanik – handstands and hand to hand – Athens
Rogelio Rivel Escola – hand to hand (Fernando Jorge Melki) – Barcelona
Manchester aerial and acrobatic convention 2016 – aerial acrobatics, acro
Manchester aerial and acrobatic convention 2017 – acro
Acro hand to hand workshop with Acro Misco (Manchester) – Prague
Hand to hand convention – La Central de Circ (Barcelona) 2015, 2016
Italian acro convention 2021
Czech acro convention 2019

Worked as lecturer:
Cirqueon – Partner acrobatics 2013 – 2015

As lecturer participated in:
I am festival – social circus project – Mardin Turkey (akrobatics for children) 2013
Luminate festival New Zealand – 2015 (aerial acrobatics on silk)
Czech acro convention 2019 (acro – hand to hand)
Czech acro convention 2022 (acro – hand to hand)
Manchester aerial and acrobatic convention 2022 (acro – hand to hand)

Mattia Comisso

Mattia Comisso comes from Italy, he started juggling and monocycling in 2019. In 2013 started to cooperate with association CircoAll’in Circa (IT), where he found his base for trainings, performing experiences and chance to try new circus disciplines – acrobatics and hand to hand. Attended workshops in Rogelio Rivel school in Barcelona, in Cirk de Votanik in Athens and in Prague to improve his skills. From 2015 works and performs mostly in Czech Republic.

Attended workshops:
Circ de Votanik – handstands and hand to hand – Athens
Rogelio Rivel Escola – hand to hand (Fernando Jorge Melki) – Barcelona
Manchester aerial and acrobatic convention 2017 – acro
Acro hand to hand workshop with Acro Misco (Manchester) – Prague
Hand to hand convention – La Central de Circ (Barcelona) 2015, 2016
Italian acro convention 2021
Czech acro convention 2019

Worked as lecturer:
Circus school – Cirkus Mlejn 2016, 2017
Circus school- Cirqueon 2017
Partner acrobatics Cirqueon 2015
Circus school – Circo all’in Circa 2018 – 2020
Partner acrobatics – Circo all’in Circa 2018 – 2020
Juggling – Circo all’in Circa 2018 – 2020

As lecturer participated in:
I am festival – social circus project – Mardin Turkey (akrobatics for children) 2013
Luminate festival New Zealand – 2015 (aerial acrobatics on silk)
Czech acro convention 2019 (acro – hand to hand)
Czech acro convention 2022 (acro – hand to hand)
Manchester aerial and acrobatic convention 2022 (acro – hand to hand)

They both are teaching in Cirqueon – Centre for new circus in Prague and in Circus Mlejn in KD Mlejn

Circo Frico

Circo Frico was born from the meeting between Czech actress and acrobat Klara Hajdinova and Italian juggler Mattia Comisso. In Turkey, 2014. They didn’t lose time and started to play acro together and through the years, keeping traveling and attending workshops around Europe they started to love and develop hand to hand technique making it personal in their performances. They both studied art and they are professional circus artist and performers with more then 15 years experience on the stage. Now they are in three and little Auro, on occasion likes to jump into their extravagant activity.

Klára Hajdinová

Klára vystudovala herectví v Praze a od roku 2012 se profesionálně věnuje novému cirkusu a pohybovému divadlu. Jejími disciplínami jsou vzdušná akrobacie (na šále, kruhu, loopech, v sedáku) a párová akrobacie. Vystupovala v desítkách divadelních představení jako herečka, akrobatka nebo oboje (Národní divadlo, Nové divadlo v Plzni, Studio Dva, Otáčivé hlediště v ČK, Rockopera…). Svoje disciplíny rozvíjí na workshopech v Čechách i zahraničí. Jako lektor působí v Cirqueonu a v Cirkuse Mlejn. Absolvovala workshop Family circus u Rika Taeymans, autorky knihy Matějova akrobacie.

Attended workshops:
Circ de Votanik – handstands and hand to hand – Athens
Rogelio Rivel Escola – hand to hand (Fernando Jorge Melki) – Barcelona
Manchester aerial and acrobatic convention 2016 – aerial acrobatics, acro
Manchester aerial and acrobatic convention 2017 – acro
Acro hand to hand workshop with Acro Misco (Manchester) – Prague
Hand to hand convention – La Central de Circ (Barcelona) 2015, 2016
Italian acro convention 2021
Czech acro convention 2019

Worked as lecturer:
Cirqueon – Partner acrobatics 2013 – 2015

As lecturer participated in:
I am festival – social circus project – Mardin Turkey (akrobatics for children) 2013
Luminate festival New Zealand – 2015 (aerial acrobatics on silk)
Czech acro convention 2019 (acro – hand to hand)
Czech acro convention 2022 (acro – hand to hand)
Manchester aerial and acrobatic convention 2022 (acro – hand to hand)

Mattia Comisso

Mattia pochází z Itálie, kde v roce 2009 začal se žonglováním a jízdou na jednokolce. V roce 2013 začal spolupracovat s organizací CircoAll’inCirca (IT), kde měl příležitost jak trénovat, tak vystupovat a dostal se zde k dalším disciplínám jako akrobacie nebo hand to hand. K hlubšímu studiu a tréninku uvedených disciplín se pak dostal např. v Barceloně na workshopech v cirkusové škole Rogelio Rivel, v Aténách s Cirk de Votanik a v Praze. V České republice je od roku 2015 stále zabydlenější.

Attended workshops:
Circ de Votanik – handstands and hand to hand – Athens
Rogelio Rivel Escola – hand to hand (Fernando Jorge Melki) – Barcelona
Manchester aerial and acrobatic convention 2017 – acro
Acro hand to hand workshop with Acro Misco (Manchester) – Prague
Hand to hand convention – La Central de Circ (Barcelona) 2015, 2016
Italian acro convention 2021
Czech acro convention 2019

Worked as lecturer:
Circus school – Cirkus Mlejn 2016, 2017
Circus school- Cirqueon 2017
Partner acrobatics Cirqueon 2015
Circus school – Circo all’in Circa 2018 – 2020
Partner acrobatics – Circo all’in Circa 2018 – 2020
Juggling – Circo all’in Circa 2018 – 2020

As lecturer participated in:
I am festival – social circus project – Mardin Turkey (akrobatics for children) 2013
Luminate festival New Zealand – 2015 (aerial acrobatics on silk)
Czech acro convention 2019 (acro – hand to hand)
Czech acro convention 2022 (acro – hand to hand)
Manchester aerial and acrobatic convention 2022 (acro – hand to hand)

Bibi 2

Frico Take Away
